The story unfolds in in five tracks, with two different versions of the story appearing on the album. The second version being totally remixed, re-edited, and recorded by Lee Popa. The remixes are done rather well, and I'm not sure which version I prefer more, I'd almost like to be able to mix and match tracks from both versions to tell its own story.
The liner notes contain handwritten notes by a fictional senior researcher of Konico Corporation named Dr. Emil Hitaki. The notes contain a daily journal of the supposed A.I.'s entire life ending with its eventual self-deletion. While the liner notes are a bit corny in places they do seem to add to the concept of the album. If you are a fan of FLA's recent album, or ClockDVA's "Man-Amplified", and enjoy a dark future where technology rules you'll want this acquire a copy of this album.
Vatican are:
Tony Boldi - percussion
Glenn Davis - keyboards, executive producer
Joe Juhnke - concept, vocals, words, music, editing v1.1
Jeremy Young - visual research & presentation
John Campos - keyboards
Lee Popa - v1.2 remixes, additional guitars
Industry Records
P.O. Box 2214
Kalamazoo MI, 49003