Ultraviolence: Psycho Drama
- Birth/Jessica
- The Reject
- Disco Boyfriend
- Pimp
- Psycho Drama
- Birth/Hitman
- Stone/Faced
- Murder Academy
- Hitman's Heart
- Contract
- Lovers
- Suicide Pact
- God's Mistake
- Searching Hell
- Heaven Is Oblivion
A band named after the catchphrase from "A Clockwork Orange" was certain to
peak my initial interest. Psycho Drama is a sort of techno opera which tells
the story of two star crossed lovers, a abused club junkie and a professional
hitman hired to kill her. The album tells each half of the story that leads up
to the point of the supposed assassination which ends with hitman kidnapping
the femme fatale and they both hit the road hoping for love only to end up
committing suicide and wandering hell for the rest of eternity. I normally
can't tolerate techno of any kind but quite unlike most dance floor music this
album actually had a plot with which you follow along to the music. Hence the
music ceased to be the redundant array of looped rhythms and instead breathed
lived into an otherwise dull music genre. While the thought of a four hundred
plus beat per minute track scared the crap out of me the album ended up coming
off like a well tuned engine and satisfied my interest far above the basement
level that I was expecting. Perhaps there is still a life for techno after all
besides the pulsing music that keeps your body moving all night long at least
if Johnny Violent has something to say about it.
Ultraviolence is Johnny Violent
Earache Records
295 Lafayette ST.
Suite 915
New York, NY 10012
E-mail: Earacherec@aol.com
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