Triple Point: Stolen
Side 1
- Self Surrender
- Stolen
- Ring
- Blackpool
Side 2
- Build
- Hate Is
- Inquiry
Seven tracks, seven distinctly different musical styles that might as well
belong to different bands altogether. The concept of a package album with all
the music serving as a cohesive unit was thrown right out the window in favor
of totally contrary tracks. This alone totally destroyed the album. At least
the order of the tracks could have been selected in such a way as to allow an
even flow between tracks but in this case the cut from a pop guitar track to
ambient noise is like being hit by a car. Perhaps a little more work with a
production engineer in the future might persuade the band to develop a more
unified if they are lucky.
Triple Point is: V. Meja & D. Hinds
Triple Point
P.O. Box 2038
Eugene, OR 97402
E-mail: dhinds@efn.org
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[Sonic Boom]
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