Tribes of Neurot: Static Migration
- Unspoken Path
- Rust
- Recurring Birth
- March to the Sun
- Origin Unknown
- Blood and Water
- Edgewood
- Head of the Scorpion
Tribes of Neurot sounds nothing like I would expect.
from a project containing members of Neurosis.
Instead of thrashing guitars, each note is held for
what seems like minutes. Instead of grinding, the bass glides effortlessly
from chord to chord. Instead of headbanging drums, the percussion is
calculated, precise and rhythmic. Tribes of Neurot, with the aid of Walking Time
Bombs, create one of the more original ethnic and tribal albums I've heard in
some time. Each track is a shamanistic journey into an realm outside
what is conventionally understood. Subtle percussion sets the rhythm, pulsating
electronics hum with deep bass tones and other abstract elements permeate
the mix. Each track is unique enough to have been written by
totally different bands, yet in reality, all were written in part by
several of the eleven collaborators on this album. It just goes to show
that you should never assume that a Hardcore side project is going to sound
anything like a Harecore band. Those conceptions can be misleading.
Relapse Records
P.O. Box 251
Millersville, PA 17551
E-mail: relapse@relapse.com
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