Totemplow: Applaud The Execution
- Applaud The Execution
- Terminate
- Raga
- 100 Miles
- Raga (Praxis Killer Dub)
- Conjouring Repetition
- Death Valley
Totemplow is a brand new single person act hailing from the Bay Area. What
makes this debut album so spectacular is that the entire record was totally
performed on a guitar. Yet when you listen to each track you would swear that
extensive sampling and electronic programming was used to compose each piece.
In reality Chad utilized only a variety of pedals, distortion, layering and
other mechanical devices to alter his guitar on each track. As a result there
are few unaltered chords or notes present on the album. Each track thereby
becomes a bizarre collection of analogue ambience and noise experimentation
that could only be compared to people like K.K. Null or Jim O'Rourke in it's
complexity. I'm astounded that Totemplow is a project that has appeared from
virtually nowhere and yet contains enough raw talent and experience to compose
such an awe inspiring release. It had to happen someday, but I have finally
been truly humbled by a guitar players skill and it could not have been caused
by a more deserving person.
Totemplow is: Chad Jones
Manifold Records
P.O. Box 12266
Memphis, TN 38182
(901) 454-9756
E-mail: manifold@manifoldrecords.com,
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