Tinty Music: Anterior Interior
Side 1:
- Half the Length of the Chamber
Side 2:
- Tincture #1
- Tincture #2
Exquisites layers of soothing ambience float lazily through the atmosphere
seeming to stretch of for miles echoing the amongst each like awakened biomes.
Kevin of Tinty Music has continued the strong ambient theme that worked so well
for him on his previous CD release. A total absence of beat or percussion in
conjunction with the the utilization of nature and weather samples makes this a
very robust organic release. This is the kind of music that I adore playing in
the background when I study or to lull me to asleep because it places the
listener on the edge of inner harmony and complacency. Also very useful piece
of music to center oneself emotions with. Perhaps I'm getting a little to
mystical but I tend to place a great deal of value in music as a tool to evoke
vividly extreme or calming emotions and this music does the latter excessively
Tinty Music is: Kevin O'Connor
Tinty Music
P.O. Box 85363
Seattle, WA 98145-1363
Voice: (206) 632-9369
Fax: (206) 545-2868
E-mail: tntmusic@halcyon.com
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