Thine Eyes: Thread
Side 1:
- Intro
- Cocytus
- The Ascent
- Nohbody's Taunt
- Circle
Side 2:
- Threadbare
- Once Despised
- Suspirios
- Semaphore Thunder[Signals of Distress]
This band reminds is sort of a Coil/Miranda Sex Garden/Dead Can Dance mixture.
Beautiful feminine vocals, alongside strong male vocals, interspersed with the
occasional sample, lead the listener into dream world. The swaying, almost
magical movement of the electronic orchestration, mixed with the wave motions
of the vocals entice the ears into an aural sensation of chaos and paradise.
Almost anything from this tape would make for an excellent soundtrack. The
pieces, instead of having the usual silence between tracks, flow effortlessly
from one to the next, as if they were constructed as one original track.
Traditional ambience it isn't, but the drug induced psychedelic trips, and
walks outside the fringes of reality are amongst sensations experienced. I was
very impressed with what I believe is the debut release from this Oregon
quartet. This is one of the few tapes I own that I could play for hours and
hours, over and over, and never get bored with it.
Thine Eyes is: Laird Sheldahl, Jeni Sheldahl, Tanner Volz, Rian Callahan
Arts Industria
23784 SR 2
South Bend, IN 46619
E-mail: info@artsindustria.com
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