The Way Sect Bloom: The Way Sect Bloom
- Subsidize
- Frustrate
- Washed
- Illumina
- Frustrate (Reality Edit)
For being on a predominantly Christian Industrial label like Flaming Fish
Music, The Way Sect Bloom do an excellent job of avoiding the stereotype.
Instead of using their music to preach or convert, they instead just use it to
have fun and express themselves in a positive manner, which I highly respect.
However, while their intentions are good, their music needs a lot of work if it
is ever going to end up in consumer ready format. If they wanted to release
Industrial Pop music such as the likes of God Lives Underwater or Machines of
Loving Grace, then I say they have it down pat, but I have a feeling that
they'd rather avoid such comparisons. Inevitably, the single item any new band
needs to work on is a unique style or concept that separates them from the rest
of the faceless bands. This is what The Way Sect Bloom lacks, which ends up
making their music sounds trite and cliched.
The Way Sect Bloom is:
Jeff Bruce - guitars, vocals, keyboards,
programming, sequencing
Joe Gallagher - additional guitars and vocals
Mike Cruz - additional keyboards and vocals
Flaming Fish
38 Titus Street #201 Halifax, Nova Scotia
E-mail: carsta@ns.sympatico.ca
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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