Test Dept: Totality 1 & 2 - The Mixes
- Zenergy
- Zen Essence
- Tabla Rasa
- Tabla Razor
- Genius No. 7 (Magic Number)
- Tortured Genius
- Ingenuous
- Il Est Un Sac De Merde
- Tabla Rasa (The Tablet Mix)
Test Dept. continue down the road they have paved on "Totality" with the
release of this collection of singles. While partially consisting of remixes of
'Genius' from the aforementioned album, this maxi-single does contain several
new tracks as well. Fans who don't appreciate the new electronic version of
Test Dept. are warned to stay away because this release contains little in the
way of organic instrumentation outside of a few percussion instruments.
Instead, Test Dept. have choose to take their unique perspective on music to
another level via digital instrumentation to keep themselves from remaining
stagnant. Their music still contains the same passion, intensity and personal
introspection as it always has, but this time it has added the fervor that only
modern electronic instruments seem to be able to provide. The end result is a
club-goers dream of relentless drum'n'bass rhythms punctuated by the occasional
vocal contribution all mixing together with a variety of ambience.
Invisible Records
P.O. Box 16008
Chicago, IL 60618
E-mail: invisihq@aol.com
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