Test Dept: Pax Britannica
- Movement 1
- Pledge
- Jerusalem
- Heaven's Command
- Chracters of Light
- Agincourt
- Accusation
- Movement II
- Territory (The Epic of The Race)
- Movement III
- From The Land (As An Fhearann)
- Movement IV
- God, King and Law
- The Cracked Facade
- Farewell The Trumpets
- Movement V
- The Legacy (A Lasting Presence)
This album is a domestic reissue of the classic Pax Britannica album from 1991.
This time the Test Dept boys have outdone themselves by incorporating the
Scottish Chamber Orchestra in this Oratorio in Five Movements. One thing to
listen carefully for throughout this album is how patriotic to Britain the
opening. The over the duration of the piece it slowly becomes warped and ends
up becoming compared to it's daughter nation of the Unites States. One can
sense the deeply rooted mistrust and disgust that Test Dept has with the
political stooges in it's government. The music in a perfectly orchestrated
mixture of classic Test Dept percussion and symphonic composition with a wide
variety of vocal work. The vocals vary from more of a lectern speech to a pomp
and circumstance patriotic anthem. The overall essence of this album can only
be truly captured by listening to the whole piece from beginning to end. Then
one can truly appreciate the unique nature of the composition and the diverse
musical and compositional talent of the band.
Invisible Records
P.O. Box 16008
Chicago, IL 60616
E-mail: invisihq@aol.com
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