Terminal Choice: Khaosgott
- Prologue
- Fleischmacht
- The Forest
- Khaosgott
- The Age of Suffering
- Deathwish
- Queen of Darkness
- The Witchhunter
Just when I had ruled out the possibility of intelligent music being written in
the wastelands of Scandinavia, out comes Terminal Choice, a band who actually
know what they are doing. 'Khaosgott' opens with a slow prologue serving as an
excellent lead-in to 'Fleischmacht' which shares more in common with the Power
Noise movement than any other style of music. The rest of the album flip-flops
back and forth between rhythmically abusive selections, which use samples
noise, the musical construct of choice and slow brooding orchestrations with a
very medieval feel. The plodding bass movements and full bodied vocals of
tracks like 'Forest', remind me of Cold Meat Industry bands, while the keyboard
progressions of 'The Age of Suffering' exhibit a hidden beauty. Terminal Choice
is certainly a band of wide musical variety and talent, evident in this short,
eight track album. The single downside to this release is the decision to place
a bonus track as track 66 which most CD players can't play.
Terminal Choice
is: Chris, Dennis, Jens, Riccardo & Sten
Cyberware Productions
P.O. Box 623
FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland
E-mail: cyberwar@sci.fi
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