Subarachnoid Space: Almost Invisible
- Shut Inside
- Hodden Outside
- Floating Above the Skyline
- Below Any Border
- Outlined in Rust
- Calm Fever
SubArachnoid Space return with a little bit of their usual spontaneous
improvisation on "Almost Invisible" as well as a wide array of new sound. This
time around there seems to be a greater use of both minimal ambience and
percussion than on previous releases. While the guitar does remain the
instrument of choice, many more effects, delays, and pedals are used to distort
the instrument. As on many improvisational pieces, most tracks start very slow
as the musicians try to find a certain groove. As the track builds, more and
more elements are cycled into the music as a cohesive pattern of percussion and
rhythm seem to find a life of their own. The tracks usually end with a little
bit more fervor than they begin, as the quartet reaches what they all feel to be
an appropriate, if not sudden end to the music. The single downside to this
approach to music is that many of the pieces have a tendency to sound very
similar when the entire album is played at once. This is usually because music
that is written as it is performed usually has more musical influence from
unintentional outside sources than most other music. Regardless, SubArachnoid
Space are very good at what they do when it comes to live musical
SubArachnoid Space is: Mason, Melynda, Jason, Michelle
Relapse Records
P.O. Box 251
Millersville, PA 17551
E-mail: relapse@relapse.com
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