Steven Dressler: Dotlip
Side 1:
- Mutation
- Ground Dweller
- Ropa Sucia
- Sofokos
- Mustard Been
- Isto Watso
- Colonial Behavior
Side 2:
- Intrilligator
- Merry Go Wrong
- Nitce
- Aster
- Thick Cuticle
- Liger
- Impugnent Square
A varied collection of sound construction and manipulations varying in length
and intensity but usually centering around short percussive pieces derived from
found sound samples. The remainder of the pieces, as I hesitate to call them
music in the classical sense, and longer experimental ambient warbles drifting
through canyons of echoed dissonance. There isn't enough substance in most of
the pieces to pin down any specific concrete musical style other than
experimental. I kind of felt cheated at the end of the cassette because just as
any one of the pieces became remotely interesting they simply ended. Perhaps
next time the artist can extend his work a few more minutes per piece to
tantalize the ear just that much more.
P.O. Box
Princeton, NJ 08542
E-mail: dmb5561719@aol.com
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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