Splinter Test: Electric Newspaper Issue Four
Intended more as a documentary and sample source material rather than a true
'album', this new Splinter Test record is the fourth in the Electric Newspaper
series. All of the ninety-two tracks present use only vocal samples which are
randomly spliced together into various compositions. According to the liner
notes, all of the material on the album is free to be reused and recycled by
anyone. Unfortunately, hidden amongst all of the supposed copyright free
material, lie a large volume of samples taken from sources which quite
obviously are less than legal. As a result, all of the material should be
labeled as 'use at your own risk' rather than free. In any event, many of the
samples are spliced quite amusingly into haphazard arrangements that are only
humorous within the context they have been used. So, if you are looking for
examples of tape cut-up techniques then this album is for you, but if you are
looking for more of a 'normal' approach to music, then you should probably look
Splinter Test is: Genesis P-Orridge & Larry Thrasher
Invisible Records
P.O. Box 16008
Chicago, IL 60618
E-mail: invisihq@aol.com
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