Smersh: Join The Radium Girl Movement
Side 1:
- Cosmic Torpedo
- Go Power
Side 2:
- Milestone Dub
- Stoned Again
Imagine my surprise when within a matter of days of acquiring my first taste of
Smersh an second course appears on my plate. This EP at least has the decency
to stay consistent enough to be listened through in one sitting as well as
skirting the edge of the techno genre instead of impersonating an escaped
military audio experiment. You might still have to be on some type of
artificial stimulation to consider this music rather than an aural disease
descended upon mankind to destroy us all with it's hypnotic beat and drug like
lethargy. You do have to at least consider the fact that Smersh has gone beyond
having a unique sound to being confused as an alien mating ritual recorded at
Arecibo. How this is supposed to market their sound is beyond me, I'm just
content with the artificial sensory perception it seems to stimulate.
P.O. Box
princeton, NJ 08542
E-mail: dmb5561719@aol.com
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