Snake Handling Immortal Tongue Speakers: Labryinth
- Give Your Heart An Attack
- Apocalytic Vision
- The Labyrinth
- Bottomless Pit
- Webdrones
- The Man Over There
- King of Police
- The Costs & Benefits of Propheteering
- Open The Shade?
- The Ride
- You Can't Unseat The Beat
- Sad & Blue
Snakes Handling Immortal Tongue Speakers or Shits for short is another
Philadelphia Music exchange experiment in music composition. This time they
have chosen a slightly different method in which they go about deriving each
track. While the music itself is presented as a cohesive project, in reality
each track is written by different members of the band, with different people
playing different instruments and recorded in different locations. In essence
they have tried to remove some of the elements from their music that were
deterring from the original free from style of improvisation they have used in
the past. Instead of relying on totally removing any type of background
influence they are rotating the performing members, instruments and locales
with each track to try and negate any underlying control that might be
exhibited. This particular style of improvisation actually seems to come off
much better than perhaps it was intended. Instead of being stuck in a musical
rut as with previous projects the music flourishes with a new found sense of
originality that I found refreshing. I think the PSE projects have finally
been able to comprehend the elements which were stop gaps in their musical
development process. Hopefully this a sure sign of a positive musical
progression that will become more evident in the future.
Shits are:
Bob - bass, vocals, guitars & keyboards
C. Moore - vocals, guitar, piano, keyboards & beer can
Capn' - percussion
Wally - guitar
Zoo Lou - percussion
Horton - pitch bender
E-mail: capn@membrane.com
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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