Shinjuku Thief: The Witch Hammer
- Tolkorn
- Waltz of the Midwives
- The Witch Hammer
- Smell of Nightfall
- A Midnight Mass
- Wolfzahn
- Poena Damni
- Trespassing the Gates
- The Darkened Psalm
- Totenheer
- Burkhardt of Worms
- Flight of the Screech Owls
- Warm as Blood Beneath the Clods
- In the Path of Walpurga's Ashes
An album more suited to perhaps the classical or orchestral section of music
store than the gothic industrial section which I acquired this CD. Intense
reverberations of sound, veiled walls of deceit, thundering crashes of vigor
and trickling brooks all permeate throughout the symphonic masterpiece that is
"The Witch Hammer." The percussion is very light in this particular Shinjuku
Thief release with the focus instead being placed on found sound manipulation
and ambient textures weaved together to entrance the listener to accept the
world the the music has built as reality. The music has evolved to a point
when all that it needs to exist in our technological reality is the breath
of life of a dedicated listener who cannot help but fall into the depths
of the music and become intrigued enough to never leave. This album surely
exists as a stand alone model of perfection all alone in the dark.
Dorobo Records
P.O. Box 22
Glen Waverly
Victoria 3150
E-mail: dorobo@werple.net.au
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[Sonic Boom]
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