Shinjuku Filth: Junk
- Detox
- Showered In Glass
- Urashima Taro
- Bridge Sermon
- The Junk
- Vogelfrei II
- Fade (remix)
- Eugenics 1st Movement
- Obsidious (mudmix)
- Log Cabin Fever
- 17/21
Shinjuku Thief tries their hand with experimental electro on this new side
project. If you've had any prior experience with Shinjuku Thief don't expect
any of the wondrously cohesive orchestral storylines on this album. Each tracks
exists uniquely on its own accord apart from any type of stageplay concept.
Instead looks towards bands such as Doubting Thomas to describe the style of
music found on this release. Various modern electronic elements are utilized in
concert with some of the experimental effects that you've come to expect from
Shinjuku Thief along with more than a fair share of horror movies samples. The
mildly addictive nature of this albums seems to manifested it self as this
album has spent more that it's allotted time share in my stereo as of late.
Part of the musical allurement is derived from the fact for once a band with
extensive musical training is now experimenting with some of the more popular
electronic musical styles and as an end result is advancing the genre beyond
the tunnel vision sights of some of the other premire electronic club bands.
Close attention should be payed to other artists on the Dorobo Records label in
the next few years to see where this direction will take the genre.
Dorobo Records
P.O. Box 22
Glen Waverly
Victoria 3150
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