Various Artists: Mind/Body Volume 3
Disc: Mind
- NOISIA - Kill It (Bugtown-Snuff mix)
- not breathing - Robitussin (Codeine mix)
- Tinty Music - No Escape From Time
- Evolution Control Committee - roolF drihT
- Unsolicited Eulogy - Imprecation Of The Slain
- AREA_39 - Ritual
- Coma - Call Of The Bell
- Solas - Ivy Song (mix Apocalypti)
- [0] The Set Of Nothing - Truth In The Gas Chamber
- The Unit Circle - Focus & Decay
- Ipecac Loop - Backbreaker
- Urban Ambience - The Bergamot Harvest
- Graveyard Cafe - Afterlifestyles
- Shevnik Sleep Research - Every Summer New Flowers
Disc: Body
- The Machine In The Garden - Machinery
- ZIA - Pagan Goddess
- Contingence - The Schismatist
- Denoument - Suspension Of Disbelief
- Six Sigma - Save Our State
- [cybpunk] - Moonshot
- Stromkern - Konzentrationslagen
- You Shriek - v1.0
- informatik - Autonomous
- SpineFolder - Sentient At Last
- Struktur - InfOrb
- Prime Mover - My Third Eye
- Hard Drive - Betrayed
- Smothered Hope - Unseen
- Insult - Shut Up
Having had the luxury to sit on in the final sequencing of the Body Disc of the
compilation back in late 1995, I simply couldn't wait to get my grubby little
hands on, what appeared to be at first listen, the best RMI compilation to
date. In retrospect I regret not having sat through the sequencing session of
the Mind Disc as well because I certainly missed out on what I feel is the
stronger of the 2 Discs. The Body Disc has several really strong tracks, but it
also contains more that it's fair share of weak ones as well. The dichotomy in
quality between tracks on the Body Disc simply doesn't hold up to it's
predecessor. Perhaps it is because out of the fifteen tracks on the Body Disc,
I had heard eight of them on their original releases or demoes sent to me from
the artists. Very little of the music seemed new or unduly inspired and that
degraded from it's overall performance.
However, the Mind Disc was altogether another story. On both of the previous
compilations I was left very dissatisfied with the final selection of the Mind
tracks. Most of them lacked a strong vibrance, recording quality and they
simply didn't flow well together from track to track. The wide variety of
experimental dissonance didn't seem to cohabitate with any degree of mutual
agreement, but the new Mind shattered all my previous misconceptions with the
past compilations. Every single track seems to flow almost seamlessly to the
next. Each track compliments the other in multitudinous degrees of musical
structure. I might even go as far to say that the Mind III Disc is probably the
absolute best Disc released to date by this project of net artists. I just
can't seem to give enough praise to the quality of the artists and the track
selection on this Disc.
It also should be noted that the artwork utilized for the cover and liner notes
also seems to be getting better on every release. Not to berate Ken of Arts
Industria who was responsible for the previous artwork, but the final layout is
of the utmost professional quality. The cover art alone is worse the price of
admission, I should know, as I've had a color copy of the cover on my wall
since I participated in the selection of the artist many months back. The
entire package is worth much more than the asking price and should be required
listening for anyone who wants to support independent artists and net
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