Various Artists: Resonance
- Hate Dept. - Blowfish (Thump Junkie Mix)
- Sister Machine Gun - Bust It
- Pain Station - Curse
- Hellsau - Blissed (Sludge Mix)
- Tom Muschitz - Bondage Night
- Severed Heads - Heart of the Party (Banana Lid)
- Oneiroid Psychosis - Absolute Zero
- Leng-Tche (w/Matt Green of Spahn Ranch) - Horses!?
- Eco-Hed (featuring Van Christie) - Total Control
- Joe Bishara - Bogeyman
- 16 Volt (w/Spahn Ranch) - Fire Lives in the Hearts of All Men
- Alien Faktor - Invaders
- Cevin Key - No More Ghosts
- The Rat Kings - Space
"Resonance" is a collection of Electro-Industrial artists trying their hands at
the current music industry buzz, Electronica. A few tracks on
this compilation are intricately woven compositions that highlight the diverse
musical skills of their authors, but most of the tracks quickly
degenerate into oblivion. Case in point is the Hate Dept. track 'Blowfish'
which starts out with a quiet rhythm and slowly builds with high-hats and
snares. A few seemingly random sequences preface an interesting dub
percussion that is immediately shattered by vocals and overused snares. The
rest of the track perishes beneath the mediocrity of a single vocal line
repeated far too many times. Bands like Severed Heads and Oneiroid Psychosis
shine on this release mostly because the music is not far removed from their
usual, while STR's Hellsau simply donates a remixed version of a track taken
from his debut album. Sure, "Resonance" is intriguing for its novelty, but
musically you are better off purchasing each respective artist's album.
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Milwaukee WI, 53202
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