Quartermass: Coolie Joolie
Side 1:
- Hiddens Blows Strike The Human Spirit
- Fever Powerful
- Sleepy Head
- Physical, Mental, Social
Side 2:
- Black Ghost
- It Would Be So Nice
- Gunfest
The bastard child project of those wicked little munchkins of Smersh who seem
to love to embellish upon the fact that music is the last thing they seem to be
producing but rather an addictive drug that one can never quite get enough of
or break the nasty habit of listening too. As you can see that's quite a mental
mouthful. This time the little demon spawn have descended upon experimental
aerie of the harpies and begin to play even more games with the mind at a
mildly respective bpm. One might even begin to call it ambient trance if only
we all knew better. Once again these guys evade being anything they actually
set out to be and without any justification. It's just good old fun music with
seems to be written more for the artists benefit than the end listener and yet
we can't seem to get enough.
P.O. Box
Princeton, NJ 08542
E-mail: dmb5561719@aol.com
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