Prometheus: Skin
- Everywhere
- Beamin'
- Spread Under Wire
- The Catch
- Skin
The most difficult musical trick these days seems to be able to properly
mediate between the vocalist and the music in any given band. Prometheus is one
of those bands who has totally failed when it comes to the proper mixture of
these two elements. The vocals are very strong and the music uniquely original,
but neither functions well with the other. Apart from the obvious production
difficulties of this demo, it is fundamentally a solid release assuming you
overlook the fact that the vocalist really needed a vocoder. My suggestion is
to either get a new vocalist or compose music in an different genre because the
current mesh of the two are ear grating at best.
is: Jake Soloman
114 24th Ave East #303
Seattle, WA 98112
(206) 320-9516
E-mail: skin@prostar.com
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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