Project Dark: Excited By Gramophones Vol 4
- Et Sic Gradius Ad Ima Tenditur
- Black Rubber Elvis
- The Sand of Music
- Danceflawed
- Return to Sender
- Spongers...
- A Short Hop From Sarajevo
- Never Fake It (Again)
- Liquidation Totale
- Jake's Drawing
- Ada Pama!
- Ten Fingers
- ...Shift Right
- Armatron (Screw Edison)
- White Leather Jacket
Words cannot describe a band whose experimental turntable techniques that use
only record players and household objects to create unimaginable sounds. How can
you explain the sound that sand paper, sponges, carpet, blackboards, film
cells, photographs, parachute silk, plasterboard, and a myriad of other flat
objects make when played on a record needle? The ticks, thumps, scratches,
rubs, screeches and skips are incredibly diverse.
This 15 song collection contains sample elements brought out of
retirement from the 40+ limited edition 7" releases by Projekt Dark. The
question is: exactly what do bread, cheese, and chocolate sound like on a
turntable and do you have to replace the expensive diamond tipped needle
when you are done playing music with your lunch?
Project Dark are: Kirsten Reynolds, Ashley Davis & Tony Pattinson
Invisible Records
P.O. Box 16008
Chicago, IL 60618
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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