Perceptual Outer Dimensions:
The Journey To Planet Pod
- planet pod
- hoodoo
- rafflesia
- hinge
- salem
- translunar injection
- aquanaut
- zhin
- bowbeana
- lurid dance of the erimite
- melliflous
Deep space acid ambient music with varying degrees of warped sample mentality.
Just enough ambient oddity to for that harsh music overdose, mixed with
Doubting Thomas/Delerium programming style, combined to create something
completely different. The music, as the title suggest, is a trip to another
planet, someplace where the listener needs to never stop moving to the music,
and the dj never stops mixing up a new track. Just when you thought you could
never hear another ambient style of music, and something as progressive as
POD comes along, with an invigorating programming style, unique percussion,
and vivid samples. Next time you need a hit, buy this CD, it's more expensive
than your usual narcotic, but this one will last a hell of a lot longer.
Perceptual Outer Dimensions
is: Holmes D. Ives
Fifth Column Records
PO Box 787
Washington DC, 20044
E-mail: fifthcolvmn@tunanet.com
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