Page 12: Revenge & More
- Losing the Empire
- Sea on Fire
- Wish
- Bats and Skin
- Hold On
- Apathy
- Rapture
- Underworld
- Decline
- The Silence
The band is definitely going for more of an identity on their second
full-length, with some strong improvements in song writing and song
development. It moves away for the more Skinny Puppy-ish sounds of the first
album (although the vocals are reminiscent of Nivek's on a few songs), and
brings in a harder edge -- an almost punkish feel at times. They have also
dropped some of the gothic and moody impressions exhibited on their first
album, but they definitely make up for this fact by experimenting with new
sounds and rhythms on this album. This is a good electro-industrial album and
I enjoyed listening to it, but it just felt like it was missing an unknown
ingredient that would make it an excellent album and make it really stand out
from similar releases. (Kevin Congdon)
Page 12 are: P. Jutz, P. Bulheller, & A. Kleintjes
Celtic Circle Productions
PO Box 7113
47601 Geldern Germany
Phone: +40 (0) 2831 87264
E-mail: ccp@celtic-circle.com
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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