Out Out: Pepperbox Muzzle
- Ingrates 4:42
- Defiance! 5:02
- Truth 6:07
- Antidote (Serum) 4:29
- Resurrection 5:40
- Agony 4:55
- Lolita 4:5
- D.W.I. (Remix) 6:18
- Left For Dead 4:05
- Admire The Question 4:42
- Protoplasm 5:14
- Antidote (Poison) 4:26
- Truth (Untruth) 5:47
- Defiance! (Thrashed) 5:08
This album is a reissue of the first Out Out album originally released in 1991
on Axis Records. So quite obviously the album has a dated feel to the music
which starts out with the cheesy computer generated prologue present on the
first track. From there it moves to a fast paced collection of jarring
electronic percussion and keyboard arrangements which vary in intensity from
being very club friendly to being more suitable for in home play. For the most
part the album has that late eighties Wax Trax mood present entirely throughout
it. If you are an new Out Out fan who was first turned onto to Mark Miller by
"Nisus" then this is a good previous album to check out. Nostalgia fans might
also be interested, but anyone looking for a new collection of Out Out material
will just have to wait a bit for a new album.
Out Out is: Mark Alan Miller
Metropolis Records
P.O. Box 54307
Philadelphia, PA 19105
(215) 413-1805
E-mail: metropol@voicenet.com
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