Noise Box: The Bigginning
- Letter Die
- Fill The Hate
- Fade 2 Silence
- The Night the Aliens Came
- Welcome to the Industrial Revolution
- Rocanthabeat
- Snivel
- Torment
- 9 Zombies
- Phobia
- Miasma
- Water
- Yellow Green and Lime
Noise Box exhibit some definite signs of maturity with the release of their
second full length album "The Bigginning". Both Dre and Shadow seem to have
mellowed a bit and have started to write actual songs rather than collections
of inside joke and personal attacks upon former acquaintices. Not only have
they finally grasped the concept of melody, but they also have branched out
from the singular musical style on their previous releases. This album, while
mostly minimal in programming style, cuts a wide swatch across traditional
electro, punk, ambient, and experimental genres. As a result, Noise Box will
now appeal to a much larger audience than ever before. It should also be noted
that while much of the inanity and word play that existed previously is now
gone, there is still a tiny amount of ego stroking hiding in several places on
the album. You just have to look harder for the humor.
Noise Box is:
Dre - mumbles, chants, rhythms, irritants
Shadow - sequencing, samples, lights, metaprogramming, sonic & digital torment
Cleopatra Records
8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd
Suite D-82
Los Angeles, CA 90045
E-mail: cleopatra@tunanet.com
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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