Nocturne: Of Beauty and Decay
- The Haunting
- To Die For
- Fade To Grey
- Tattered Angel
Nocturne is a five piece electro-gothic outfit based out of Portland, Oregon.
"Of Beauty and Decay", is their debut release that actually consists of mostly
older material by this eighteen month old project. Perhaps the best thing about
this EP is the lack of gothic stereotypes that usually befalls most new gothic
bands. Jeff, the lead vocalist, doesn't feel it necessary to sign every track
with an abnormally deep voice. Instead he uses his rather dynamic vocal range
to reflect the variety of moods present on the record. Musically, the EP is a
perfect blend of electronics, guitars, and drums. The instruments are never
forced to compete with each other for dominance in the track, and instead
compliment each other throughout the EP. This suggests that the band has had a
great deal of previous musical experience due to the strength of the final mix
of each track. Regardless, this EP is a very strong first effort from a band
together for such a short time prior to it's release. Other gothic acts should
really look to bands like Nocturne as examples of how to properly compose music
without sounding derivative and boring, because Nocturne obviously have that
skill down perfectly.
Nocturne is:
Jeff - vocals
Tad - guitars
Ashe - bass
Mark - drums, additional keys
Megan - keyboards
3130 SE 6th
Portland, OR 97202
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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