Newt: -273 C
- Motive One
- Hull Break
- Ostad-Revisited
- Testone
- -273 C vs. +37 C
- Motive Two
- Abyss
- Phasenverschiebung
- Ostad
- White Sun
Newt is the first of many Haujobb side projects coming our way. What
makes this release so special is that it includes Andreas of Forma Tadre, whose
debut album was the surprise hit of 1996. Oddly enough, Newt sounds almost
nothing like either Haujobb, or Forma Tadre, and instead utilizes a great
degree of minimalism and Drum'n'Bass style percussion for its sound structure.
Each track seems to contain only a handful of musical elements,
forcing the artists to score more original music with less source
material. While at times this makes for a few repetitive loops, it doesn't seem
to hinder Newt in the slightest. In fact, they seem to thrive upon the
challenge of writing such reserved music. Newt certainly have a strong grasp of
the IDM movement. Their debut release manifests a perfect representation of the
Newt is: Daniel Myer & Andreas
21st Circuitry Records
P.O. Box 170100
San Francisco, CA 94117
E-mail: circuit@sirius.com
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