Necrofix: Nefarious Somnabulance
- Who Do You Love?
- Split Apart
- Passion's Folly
- Morsanotha
- Welcome to the Big Sleep
- Object
- X-ina
- All Lies
- Charred...
- Beyond Recognition
- Tears
- Void
- Deluge of the Soul
- City of Ash
Necrofix do have several musical philosphies that set them apart from most
bands. One of which is a blatant disregard for commercial music
and the other is the use of the bizarrest vocal samples I've ever heard.
Musically, the album is a rather two-sided collection of songs that are either
random collections of vocal samples and meandering ambient collages or upbeat
electronic music that is very club friendly regardless of it's perverse
vulgarity. Unfortunately they can't seem to shake the similarity to Mentallo &
The Fixer in places. Most likely this stems from the fact that they are good
friends with the Dassing Brothers but it is still a bit unsettling at times.
Apart from that single comparison, Necrofix is devoid from all other musical
influences and seem to pride themselves on their originality. If you are into a
band that can't seem to decide if they want club play or to score the next
David Lynch film than the rather schizophrenic Necrofix is something you'll
Necrofix is: Bildeaux & Richard Jones
Metropolis Records
P.O. Box 54307
Philadelphia, PA 19105
E-mail: metropol@voicenet.com
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