not breathing: time music for quazars
- the amoebic sea
- space between
- 3-legged beetle eater
- dhyana
- no more rainbows
- combustion
- birth of rotorhead
- aether traveller
- cloud modulation
- darth vader disco luv
After three years, four demos, three hundred minutes of music, one 12" and one
7" not breathing breaks into the digital arena with the release of their first
full length album. The past three has year have done nothing but improve the
musical endeavor and diversity of the band. This new album focuses primarily on
ambient acid trance which percolates throughout the cerebral fluids just as any
other chemical enhancer. Acutely bound sound washes break onto the deserted
shores of undiscovered planets while the native wildlife breaks into a melody
proclaiming the solution of the ultimate question of life. The vibrance of the
music on a recording medium other than cassette is astounding. It makes me wish
that the band will repackage and remaster all of their original music onto
digital media so that their listening audience may full enjoy the depth of
music which exists on this album.
not breathing is: dave wright & bruce brindamour
Visible Records
2443 Fillmore Street
Suite 336
San Francisco, CA 94115
FAX (415) 380-3963
E-mail: visible@calon.com, kali23@azstarnet.com
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