Matera: Same Here
- Out of Your Woods
- Pure Realism
- Non E'
- Constant Thing
- It's Vacuum Cleaner Time
- Too Much
- Darkside 11 AM
- Same Everywhere
- Out of Your Wood (Remix)
- Pure Slow Realism (Remix)
- Too Much (Remix)
Mick Harris of Scorn and M. Teho Teardo of Meathead combine forces for this
debut album for a project they call Matera. From just a short listen it seems
that Matera combines the best elements of both into quite a unique listening
experience. Mick focuses on the stark minimalism of sound that he uses so well
in Scorn to build the base material on each track while M. Teho adds subtle
textures that fill in the cracks. Mr. Teardo also lends rap-chant vocal style
to most of the tracks which seem to breathe even more intrigue into this darkly
ambient dub record. For the most part the album is very subdued and laid back,
giving the listener a chance to fully appreciate all of the complex
programming. However a few off the songs shed their intricate skin in favor of
more mercurial rhythms. The two most impressive items about this release are
the three remixes tacked onto the end of the album which are so reworked from
the originals that they are completely different songs and the album artwork
which was designed my M. Teho Teardo himself. In conclusion, if you find
yourself enjoying Scorn then you'll definitely spend some quality listening
time with Matera.
Matera is: Mick Harris & M. Teho Teardo
Invisible Records
P.O. Box 16008
Chicago, IL 60618
E-mail: invisihq@aol.com
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