Mark 13: Survival
- Mission To Mars 8:35
- Stratagem 4:08
- Turbulence 3:36
- Implant 4:00
- Poppin'Out 5:11
- Neuritis 2:52
- The Secret of Pain 4:09
- Dissolution 5:47
- Creed 5:00
- Abrogate 2:44
- Population Control 3:54
- Scimitar 4:32
- Regress 5:28
- Cyber Christ 4:03
- Instability 7:32
Ack! It seems that the price of musical equipment has fallen so dramatically
lately that any two bit hack can throw together an electronic composition and
release an album. In the case of Mark 13, it seems that they have taken to
brewing the music of all of their favorite bands into one large pot and then
releasing it without forethought so that it ends up sounding like the most
cliched and derivative album I've heard in years. Not to mention the fact that
every single sample present on this album has been used by a myriad of other
acts so many times that they cease to have their intended effect. I swear if I
hear one more band sample Hardware or Hellraiser, I think I'll go postal on
them. Needless to say, Mark 13 desperately needs to find a sound of their own
because with "Survival" they sound like a band Electro tribute band.
Mark 13 is: Brian Sparks
Linear Records
305 Vineyard Town Center
Suite 231
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
E-mail: info@linear-records.com
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