Love Spirals Downwards: Flux
- City Moon
- Alicia
- Sound of Waves
- Psyche
- Nova
- By Your Side
- Ring
- I'll Always Love You
- Sunset Bell
On their new album, Love Spirals Downwards is a very difficult band to pin down The
opening track 'City Moon' contains lush vocals, maracas, acoustic guitar, and
vibrant electronic atmospheres with a slight Pop direction. Yet 'Sound
of Waves' incorporates breakbeats and 'Psyche' has a solid Drum'n'Bass backing
track alongside the slow melodic vocals that sound like Natalie Merchant. The
juxtaposition between these two disparate musical styles is frightening, but it
works amazingly well. I would have never expected a 120 BPM percussion line
working so well with a vocal track half as fast. Ironically, this
album's catchy rhythms and swirly vocals are perfectly suited for Gothic clubs
The only thing it lacks is complex layering which wouldn't work well
with the incongruous drums and vocals. The minimalism is what makes this album
work when in all practicality it should fail for its daring innovation.
Love Spirals Downwards is: Ryan Lum & Suzanne Perry
Projekt Records
P.O. Box 166155
Chicago, IL 60616
E-mail: question@projekt.com
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