Various Artists: The Lighter Side of Dark
- Accidental Orchestra - Pompous Mutations - 3:08
- Accidental Orchestra - Pompadour in Madagascar - 4:17
- Accidental Orchestra - Corrodium Vitale - 5:29
- Accidental Orchestra - Rigor - 8:15
- Alien Farm - Black Mask - 4:46 -
- Alien Farm - Between Screen - 4:59
- Andras Wahorn - Phlegm - 2:21
- Andras Wahorn - Cryptic - 3:32
- BP Service - Radio Play - 5:54
- BP Service - The Machines - 6:26
- Hungry Ghost - Malign - 3:54
- Hungry Ghost - Salvation - 4:13
- Gabor Csupo - Mildew Craven - 5:29
- Gabor Csupo - Cadenza Hoof - 3:20
This compilation is a showcase for all of the bands on the Tone Casualties
label. Fan of such traditional industrial artists such as T.A.G.C., Jim
O'Rourke, Illusion of Safety, or Paul Schutze. Each artists present has two
selections from each album which is available on the label to serve as an aural
appetizer. Many of the artists toy around with subverting the traditional
art forms of jazz and soft rock while tying themselves back to
deconstructionism. Not a single track consists of fluff meant only for
consumption by the masses, but instead each track is an exquisite piece of
music which has serious forethought and imagination behind it. These are
examples of true bread and butter artists who create music for themselves not
the industry or the fans who listen to them. Be prepared for some aural
delights as well as some tracks not quite as friendly to the ear as the focus
here is the expansion of the mind and evolvement of the music and not easy
Tone Casualties
1258 Noth Highland Ave
Hollywood, CA 90038
(213) 463-0145
E-mail: mena@earthlink.net
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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