Lick: Heap
- derelicked
- animalistic
- guilt live
- hollowed
- jawbreaker
- lick
- seven story fall
- guilt acid
- witch
- sink - ultradelick remix
- disease
- guilt trip
- drag
- chunks
- trolls
- sink ambient
- salutation
- too many pills
The long anticipated mail order Lick remix album has finally arrived. "Heap" is
packed full of remixes, rare tracks and amusement. All of the imaginable facets
of the band are present here from the common and boring to the unusual and
insulting. I hesitate to use the term Industrial when referring to the LP
simply because it has a tendency to stomp all over the concept of labeling
after only a single listen. The sheer breadth of the musical arena that it
covers from beginning to end make it rather difficult to classify. You also
have to take into consideration the role that Martin Atkins, Jim Marcus and
Jason McNinch had in tinkering with the final product. So you end up with
chunks of Pigface and Die Warzau littered throughout the musical casserole as
well. "Heap" serves as an excellent entrance to the musical world that is Lick
because it serves to showcase their variety as well as their sick sense of
humor. However the buyer should be wary least they end up insulted by the
sheer audacity of some of the music and twisted sarcasm of the band members.
Invisible Records
P.O Box 16008
Chicago, IL 60016
E-mail: invisihq@aol.com
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