Leaetherstrip: Self-Inflicted
- Hate Me! 4:00
- Black Candle 5:04
- Understand My Torment 4:59
- Are We The Sinners? 5:18
- Give It Back 4:35
- Face The Fire 5:47
- Coming Up For Air 4:49
- Tell Me What To Do! 4:29
- Under My Control 4:23
- Kill A Raver 4:42
- Showroom Dummies 4:53
- X-Files Theme 5:47
Claus returns with his eighth album and sound similar to what made him popular
years ago. The majority of the album sees the return of his trademark vocal
processing, as well as the usual upbeat Electro that we all have come to love.
Claus also stops short from duplicating the efforts of perhaps his best album
"Solitary Confinment" by avoiding any strong club tracks, choosing instead to
temper his music and make it more personal. The lyrics remain an extremely in
depth look into the tortured inner psyche of Mr. Larsen. Every single lyrical
track contain ideas and concept that are so detailed that even a casual
listener would know that Claus believes in every word he is singing. The real
surprise of this album are the two cover tracks, 'Showroom Dummies' and 'X-File
Theme'. This marks the first time to my recollection that Claus has placed
cover tracks on his own albums instead of on a tribute album. Overall,
"Self-Inflicted" will cater to fans of early to mid-range Leaetherstrip who
have become jaded with the last few albums.
Leaetherstrip is: Claus Larsen
Cleopatra Records
8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd
Suite D-82
Los Angeles, CA 90045
E-mail: cleopatra@tunanet.com
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