Lab Report: All Your Little Pieces Make Me Whole
- Song 1
- Song 2
- Song 3
- Song 4
- Song 5
- Song 6
- Song 7
- Song 8
Matt Schultz recently departed from Invisible Records with his now solo project
Lab Report to release records on his own. "All Your Little Pieces Make Me
Whole" marks the first of what Matt hopes will be a successful business venture
of marketing, promoting and selling his music exclusively on-line. It also
doubles as the soundscape for a gallery opening featuring his sculptures and
artwork. Unlike previous material, he composed all of this album entirely from
digitally altered and arranged samples. No piece of this album was constructed
through conventional schemes. In fact, I don't even think he evend used
infamous Anti-Tank Guitar on this album. This means that drones are not the
only musical element on the album. Also included are spoken word samples from
Jeffrey Dahmer's lawyer, erratic percussion, muffled feedback and other
distorted environmental elements. Since this music was meant for a gallery, it
only makes sense that he designed it to accentuate an artistic atmosphere
rather than pummel your senses with bowel wrenching drones. He succeeds
Lab Report is: Matthew Schultz
Lab Report
PO Box 578177
Chicago, IL 60657
E-mail: mattschultz@dls.net
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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