Kill Switch... Klick: Alt.
- Produkt (Mass Market Mix)
- Shitkicker (Sudden Vertigo)
- Fascist Smash (Below The Belt)
- Your Money, Your Pain (Dollars & Cents)
- The American
- Anger (Plus)
- Diabolikal
- Konsonent
- Memories & Discontent
- Atrophy
- Rise
- A/B Continuity
- Kontorted (Hyper)
- Thick
Ack, Kill Switch... Klick are back with the expected remix album following
quickly on the heels of the rather disappointing sophomore album "deGENERATE".
Unfortunately, when you remix all of your own material, the result is always
very similar to the original track. Ultimately this leads to repetition and an
eventual downward spiral into mediocrity. However this release does have at
least one saving grace in the form of new material such as album outtakes and
reworked version of old solo projects. Tracks like 'Thick', and 'Memories and
Discontents' open a window into the history of Kill Switch... Klick and exhibit
how very little the band has evolved since it's birth. As a result, this
release pretty much is a death knell for what was once a fairly decent Seattle
Electro projects. However, the attrition of band members into solo project and
the rehashing of decades old musical concepts has relegated Kill Switch...
Klick to the cutout bins.
Kill Switch Klick is: da Sebastian
Cleopatra Records
8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd
Suite D-82
Los Angeles, CA 90045
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