Kevorkian Death Cycle: Collection For Injection
- Water
- Man Made
- Veal
- Let Us Die
- Faithless
- Sleeping Age
- Send Me The Machine
- Spring Heel Jack
- The Long Walk
- Kill For Christ
- The End
- Biophobe
One might wonder about the sanity of a band who has chosen to name themselves
after infamous euthanasia doctor Jack Kevorkian albeit it would probably be a
safe grievance. Yet, with the advent of their debut album on Ras Dva Records,
Kevorkian Death Cycle has earned the right to act with impunity. The album,
"Collection for Injection", is actually a remastered version of their original
self released cassette with the inclusion of a few new tracks. I have a great
deal of respect for KDC because unlike most bands they actually practice what
they preach. They are all staunch animal rights activists and strict
vegetarians and this shows through in their lyrics in songs of like 'Veal' and
'Sleeping Age'. One negative aspect of their music is the astounding about of
appropriation they seem to have taken from Skinny Puppy. True, stream of
consciousness style lyrics, and abstract keyboard stylings don't necessarily
denote a purely derivative band, but when you add a complimentary vocal
modulation and song structure one begins to wonder where originality ends and
imitation begins. A clone band they are not as they still retain a strong use
of choral arrangements, and anti-religious sentiments which Skinny Puppy were
not known for, yet the similarities are astounding. Perhaps this is just a
case of me being far to familiar with the both case subjects musical style
rather than an actual attempt at carbon copying, only time and future releases
will indicate which is the truth.
Kevorkian Death Cycle are:
Ryan Gribin - vocals & guitar
Roger Jarvis - programming samples
Greg Ripes - guitars
Bret Cardamone - live percussion
Ras Dva Records
407 Vine St
Suite 272
Cincinnati, OH 45202-2806
E-mail: rasdva@juno.com
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