Ipecac Loop: eX
- Ipecac (All of It) 2:02
- Clusterfuck 4:48
- Again and Again 4:38
- Blinded 2:09
- Out of My Spine 4:54
- Backbreaker 6:40
- Mountains and Fleas 2:28
- Vacuum 7:34
- Music Box 1:03
- Blur 6:50
- Repress 4:49
Stumbling into the bathroom looking for something to calm you stomach you
mistakenly pick up a bottle of Ipecac Loop and down the entire container thus
beginning a journey into the musical paradigm that is the home of Cameron
Lewis. Percolating trickles of ambience drip from extreme heights into a
swirling pool of radiance sound. Focusing on a minimalistic approach to sound
construction Ipecac Loop provides access to realm where a lack aural depth
doesn't deter from the overall quality of the music. Overall a very solid first
release for a band whose only previous musical releases where on the RMI CD's.
The talent is obvious otherwise how do you justify a record contract so soon?
Definitely one of the new breed of up and coming ambient experimental artists.
Ipecac Loop is: Cameron Lewis
Fifth Column Records
P.O. Box 787
Washington, D.C. 20044
E-mail: fifthcolvmn@tunanet.com
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