Individual Totem: Mind Sculptures Flesh
- Backlash
- Subsistence
- Paradoxon
- System Interruption
- Present Island
- 3 Second Reality
- Refuge
- Depressive Tendency
- Flow
- Misconducted
- Vince
Individual Totem return with their third and perhaps most groundbreaking album,
aptly titled "Mind Sculptures Flesh". This time around the German duo has spent
a great deal of time constructing this album into such thickly woven layers
that they have actually challenged Front Line Assembly for who has the most
complex arrangement of music. Another impressive element is the use of heavy
processing on almost all movie samples on the album. Regardless of whether this
was done to escape a possible legal tangle, the end effect has been that the
samples have become more than just context to songs in which they have been
placed, but they actually serve as musical elements. Also of note is the bands
choice to write slower, almost soothing tracks, and place them alongside some
of the more club friendly material. Most bands have a problem with jarring the
listener with the juxtaposition of tempos, but Individual Totem performs it
with such skill as to make the music flow effortlessly. If "Mind Sculptures
Flesh" is any indication of the talent of this band, I am looking forward to
any music they may write in the future.
Individual Totem are: Berd Madl & Mathias Knopp
Pendragon Records
P.O. Box 388
Yardley, PA 19067
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