Andreas Ammer & FM Einheit: Radio Inferno
- Canto I-XXXIV
"Radio Inferno" is the US reissue of the original Ego Records soundtrack,
released in unison with the play of the same name. "Radio Inferno" is based
upon "The Divine Comedy: The Inferno" by Dante Alighieri originally written in
Italian during the 13th century. This modern stageplay is interpretated in 35
Cantos, and is performed mostly in German with the occasional English
interlude. Also of note is that the original cast of this play includes Blixa
Bargeld as Dante, who is better known as the frontman and former bandmate of
F.M. Einheit in Einstruzende Neubauten. If you are familiar with previous
stageplays by the Neubauten gang you should remember that the language barrier
can at times be a problem, but with Radio Inferno, due to the nature of the
play, the music is excellent at invoking the necessary imagery to explain the
stage action. Ultimately, the music coupled with the frequent English dialogue
and narration by John Peel makes for a very enjoyable and intriguing, albeit
caustic, rewrite of the first book in Dante's classic triumvirate that is "The
Divine Comedy".
Invisible Records
P.O. Box 16008
Chicago, IL 60618
E-mail: invisihq@aol.com
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