Final: The First Millionth of a Second
- Critical Thresholds
- Electron
- Quark
- New Species
- Subatomic
- Foundations
- Pathway
The new Final album is definitely the most well produced and cohesive work put
together by Justin Broderick to date. Keeping in the tradition of releasing
concept style albums, this second full-length Final release revolves arounds
the premise of sound elements composed from the sound during the first
millionth of a second of a nuclear explosion. With track titles like
'Electron', 'Quark', and 'Subatomic', you begin to understand the common
underlying theme. Musically the album consist of seven long ambient tracks
which when played in succession attempt to bring the listener closer to the
audible sounds experienced in large explosions albeit without any of the ear
drum exploding side effects. In essence I think that Justin is trying to unlock
certain emotions that lie buried deep inside ourselves based on the premise
that the music was derived from a nuclear explosion rather that it actually
being the case. Regardless of what actually in the truth, this new album is
definitely much more soothing than the previous effort and as a result makes
for a much more pleasant listening experience.
Final is: Justin Broderick
Manifold Records
P.O. Box 12266
Memphis, TN 38182
E-mail: manifold@manifoldrecords.com
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