Dead Voices On Air: Shap
- Godesandah
- Aetsomne
- Heaoo-Grim
- Ant-Point
- Geosceaft
- Paet Flag
- Eadiglice
- Reference
- Sha Bu Yah
- Swan Reflex
- Sibes Werig
- From the Intelligence of Swans
- Scan Reflex
- Wael-Fagne Winter
- Mer-Faran
- Papa Papa Repe Wax
- Gesah
- Hafted Maul
- Western-Wardoe
- Mer-Nord
- Papa Papa Paet Flag
Mark Spybey returns with his third album in less than a year under the moniker
of Dead Voices on Air. This time instead of releasing an album composed of
several long drawn out tracks, he has chosen to compose a diverse selection of
much shorter tracks. Mark has also shyed away from the previous notion of
subtle ambient texturing towards a more experimental sound. He tends to focus
more upon the delicate intricacies of reworking a single sequence or sample for
the entirety of a track by varying such things as the pitch and wavelength in
order to expand the contextual depth of each unique sound. The track titles and
vocals still drawn heavily upon such languages as Olde English, Latin, Greek,
and Sanskrit to name but a few. Absent for the first time from a Dead Voices on
Air release cEVIN Key instead Mark has preferred to compose the majority of the
tracks completely on his own with only the aid of Zev Asher, Martin Atkins, and
Curse Mackey on two of the tracks. Mark has yielded yet another exquisite aural
masterpiece which has this time has fully exploited his unique fascination with
experimental sound alteration beyond the scope than any of his previous
Dead Voices On Air is: Mark Spybey
Invisible Records
P.O. Box 16008
Chicago, IL 60616
E-mail: invisihq@aol.com
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