Drown: Product of a Two Faced World
- You Never Listened
- The Day I Walked Away
- 1605 (For My Suffering)
- Kerosene
- Tired of Living Like This
- Alone in a Dirty World
- Redial
- My Private War
- Need This Need
- The Dirtiest Hand
- Two Faced You
- Monster
Drown is one of the few Slipdisc bands smart enough to not enlist the skills of
Neil Kernon who mixes electronics to the point of obsolescence. However, the
key reason for this production move wasn't intentional, but that Drown
completed the album a long time prior to its release. Legal, technical, and
personal squabbles hilight the apt album title of "Product of a Two Faced
World" The downtrodden lyrics and angstful compositions echo these same
sentiments. Guitar still remains the instrument of choice for the band, but
they still retain a healthy respect for electronics that serve as an excellent
compliment to the stringed melodies. Overall, the best element of this album is
the vocal work of Lauren who freely transitions between rapping rhythm,
restrained harmony and potent bellows. He breathes life and substance into the
music that, while strong in its own merit, would not be the same without him.
Drown is:
Lauren - Vocals
Marco Forcone - Drums
Patrick Sprawl - Guitar
Sean E. Demott - Bass
Slipdisc Records
101 W. Grand Ste.#600
Chicago, IL 60610
E-mail: info@slipdisc.com
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