Division #9: The True Creator
- The True Creator
- Fall Down
- One Five Fore!
- Need Love (Everybody)
- See The Light
- Time Behind
- Allah Wait 4 Jah
- Dub Altar
- Number Nine
Although Division #9 is supposed to be the jungle trance side project of Mick
Hale from Crocodile Shop, it appears to have much more in common with
experimental than any sort of club playable material. It does heavily depend
on erraticly looped snippets of percussion which seems to change pace more
often that the weather but it never proceeds any faster than most new age
releases. In retrospect that is not necessarily a band thing. When Mick was in
Crocodile Shop, I felt as if he was constraining himself by composing the same
limiting track throughout the entire album, but in the case of his solo work he
now feels free to work outside any type of musical boundary. This has allowed
him to play around with his music and draw elements from such diverse bands as
ClockDVA, Lassique Bendhaus, Cabaret Voltaire, and Aphex Twin and warp them
into his own definition of music. This has created an album that while minimal
trance in nature actually has more in common with the forefathers of the
electro genre than with trance or jungle. It is nothing altogether new or
innovative, but it something that Mick has never been able to do in the past
and as a result his musical growth has more than shown through.
Division #9 is: Mick Hale
Fifth Column Records
P.O. Box 787
Washington, DC 20044
(202) 783-0044
E-mail: fifthcolvmn@tunanet.com
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