Deviant Clouds: Sickened
- Clouded
- Clotting Strain
- Interim
- An 's' Fixation
- Never Cloying
Deviant Clouds is a rather simplistic audio experimental project hailing from
New Jersey. While technically an electro band, due to the slow rhythm
structure of the music and bizarrely diverse collection of percussion and synth
patches used, Deviant Clouds share more in common with experimental artists
than the usual electro-dance troupe. Production wise, this release could use a
bit more in the enginering department. The vocals mixing is downright
atrocious and much of the music is in need of massive EQing in order to make
all sound cohesive. Lyrically I fail to see why there is a vocalist at all. The
music really isn't all that conducive to have a vocalist in the traditional
manner, so all the vocalist seems to do is ad another instrument to the final
mix of the music. Regardless, Deviant Clouds is a band who while still needing
a lot of work, also have a very unique direction that leaves them devoid of any
obvious musical influences. This definitive identity will certainly help them
as they set forth into the unkind world that Industrial artists dwell upon.
Deviant Clouds are:
Gair - vocals, guitars, programming
Domenick Annuzzi - programming, sampling, bass
Deviant Clouds
2334 Richards Ave
Atco, NJ 08004-1219
E-mail: mark8163@rowan.edu
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