Death Ride 69: Screaming Down the Gravity Well
- First Contact
- Needle
- F##ked Up Generation
- Penetrator
- MK Ultra
- Digital Submission
- Screaming Down The Gravity Well
- The Razor Girl Machine
- Sinister Fetish
- Super Hot Sister 69
- I, Virus
- Elvis Christ: The Resurrection
- Long Dirty Needle
The albums opens with more that it's fair share of background samples
appropriated from Blade Runner and then suddenly shifts into high gear dragging
it's audience along at the speed of sound. Linda LaSabre, better known as
Beatmistress, doesn't give her listeners a single second to catch their breathe
as she piledrives on the percussion and charismatic vocals. DeathRide 69 is one
of the few female lead industrial acts which doesn't feel constrained to work
stay within usual roles that most female vocalists are pigeonholed into.
Instead of using her voice as slender instrument to keep in harmony with the
music she uses it to thrust her lyrics down the throats of her audience and
shake them up a bit. Finally a female driven band, with dare I say it, a
pugnacity to insult you to your face and make you come back for more. Perhaps
all those other wimpy acts ought to take notice of Linda as being someone who
doesn't feel the need for social posturing and will simply go straight for the
Death Ride 69 is: Linda LaSabre & Mark ??
Fifth Column Records
P.O. Box 787
Washington, D.C. 20044
E-mail: fifthcolvmn@tunanet.com
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