The Cyberflesh Conspiracy
- Chemlab - Black Radio (in the neon blur)
- Mentallo & The Fixer - Brutal Rapture
- Diatribe - Needle Park
- Babyland - Mindfuck
- Vampire Rodents - Burial at Sea
- Stabbing Westward - Violent Mood Swing
- Watchmen - Merciful Release
- The Bleeding Stone - Squirm
- Sleep Chamber - El Topo (remix)
- Creeping Eruption - Harbringer of Death
- We of Sound Mind - Man Mind Machine
- 16 Volt - Motorskills
- Pain Emission - Bimbo
- Red Red Groove - No Tears
- Teknition - Man is the Animal
- U.T.O. - Brain Dead
Early versions Stabbing Westward's 'Violent Mood Swing' and Watchmen's (now
Society Burning) 'Merciful Release' as well as a Mentallo & The Fixer track
that appears nowhere else. The compilation is one of Chase's earlier works as
is evident by the age of some of these tracks. At least eight bands on this CD
went to get signed by various labels which gives us some insight as to how well
Chase knows how to choose bands for compilations. Also of note should be the
anti-ivory campaign strongly stressed by this compilation. The cover of the CD
displays an elephant brutally murdered for his tusks. It can't be stressed
enough that the rape of innocent animals for the greed of man has got to stop.
Don't support countries or companies that try to make money off the pillaging
of animals for their pelts or tusks.
Re-Constriction Records
4901-906 Morena Blvd
San Diego, CA 92117-3432
E-mail: chase@ttlnet.com
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